Master Assignments
Master Students of the Master track Multi-Machine Engineering are strongly advised to check Brightspace for detailed information about the MME Master Assignments. General information about the Master and information about a Graduation project at a Company can be found here.
Master students who follow a different Master track or programme but are interested in pursuing a Master graduation project on the research topics of the SAFE-NET group may send an email to Vasso Reppa
Available Topics
"Damen RD&I - Vessel control for autonomy". For other Damen assignments related to autonomous shipping technologies (sensing, AI, controls, HMI, simulation) can be found here.
Improving the sensor fault isolation capability for autonomous vessels
Navigational Sensor Fault diagnosis of an Autonomous Inland Vessel
Master assignment topics will be announced regularly. In case that you want to work on a topic related to the main research lines of the group or relevant to topics shown in the "Master Graduation Projects & Theses", please contact Vasso Reppa
Want to know more about our research? Take a look at the promotional video below:
Master Graduation Projects & Theses
Here is a list of Master Graduation Projects that we have been supervising. Interested to hear more about their projects and experiences? Read what Marcel van Benten and Mathilde Janssens tell us about!
Raphael Ummels, “Scheduling Multi-Vessel Placement in Multi-Chamber Inland Waterway Locks Using Switching Max-Plus Algebra" (CUM LAUDE, DOUBLE DEGREE), Master Programme: Systems & Control and Mechanical Engineering (Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering (In collaboration with the Delft University of Technology)
Pedro Correia, "Relative Heave Measurement During Ship-to-Ship (STS) Transfer of Cargo", Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering (In collaboration with Huisman Equipment BV)
Marius van der Bend, “Assessment and Analysis of hook mounted compensation methods for offshore wind turbine blade installation’, Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering (In collaboration with Huisman)
Daniel Oudshoorn, “Collision avoidance of autonomous surface vessels considering proactive COLREG compliance”, Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering
Jurrian van Geest, “Integration of Condition Based Maintenance in the Preventive Maintenance Planning of Rolling Stock”, Master Programme: Mechanical Engineer- ing, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering (In collaboration with RiccardoRail)
Gitte Hornung, “Hourly Traffic Density Based Decomposition in Non-Centralised Railway Traffic Management” (CUM LAUDE), Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering (In collaboration with Transport& Planning Department CiTG and ProRail)
Patroclos Pantela, “An integrated sensor and process fault diagnosis framework for marine vessels”, Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering
Marcel van Benten, “Mission-Oriented Modular Control of Retroffitable Marine Power Plants”, Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering
Mathilde Janssens, “Multi machine approaches for conflict resolution under moving block signalling” (CUM LAUDE), Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi- Machine Engineering (In collaboration with Transport& Planning Department CiTG and ProRail)
Mike Pesselse, “Modelling and Optimal Scheduling of Inland Waterway Transport Systems: A Switching Max-Plus-Linear Systems Approach”, Master Programme: Systems & Control, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands In collaboration with DCSC Department)
Matt Hepworth, “Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Inland Vessels using Stereovision” , Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering
Ahmed Nuur, “Performance prediction model for a Ship -to-shore crane” , Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering, (In collaboration with Siemens Netherlands N.V.)
Maurits van Pampus, “Roboat Formation Control: Sailing in Formation for Waste Transport using Roboat units”, Master Programme: Mechanical Engineering, Master Track: Multi-Machine Engineering, (In collaboration with Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions)