Tasos Tsolakis, MSc
PhD Candidate, TU Delft
Project: Safe Cooperation in Mixed-Traffic Conditions (SCoop)
Tasos Tsolakis received his diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece in 2018. During his diploma thesis he focused on the effect of power distribution on vehicle dynamics and torque vectoring. He then continued his studies to receive an MSc in Systems & Control from DCSC (TU Delft) in 2021, working on distributed IDA-PBC for non-holonomic mechanical systems. Since December 2020, he is a PhD student in a cohesion project between the departments of Cognitive Robotics and Maritime & Transport Technology at TU Delft. His research focuses on the safe cooperation of autonomous vehicles in mixed-traffic conditions.
Research Interests
Control Theory
Model Predictive Control
Distributed Control
Fault-Tolerant Control
Autonomous Vehicles
Featured Publications
[1] Tsolakis, A, Benders, D, De Groot, O, Negenborn, RR, Reppa, V & Ferranti, L 2022, 'COLREGs-aware Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Surface Vessels', IFAC-PapersOnline, vol. 55, no. 31, pp. 269-274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.441